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Islahuddin, Islahuddin and Salim, Muhammad Arfin Muhammad (2022) Corresponce - Letter of Accaptence_Staycation Inovasi Produk untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing Industri. Jambura - Journal of Education Management, Jurusan Manajemen Pendidikan Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Gorontalo.
Islahuddin, Islahuddin and Eppang, Buntu Marannu and Som, Ahmad Puad Mat and Masatip, Anwari and Salim, Muhammad Arfin Muhammad (2022) Correspondence - Adaptation and collaboration of local community in super priority destination tourism program in Labuan Bajo pdf. Department of Anthropology Faculty of Social and political Science, Hasanuddin University, Etnosia: Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia.
Islahuddin, Islahuddin and Eppang, Buntu Marannu and Som, Ahmad Puad Mat and Masatip, Anwari and Salim, Muhammad Arfin Muhammad (2022) PEER REVIEW - Adaptation and Collaboration of Local Community in Super Priority Destination Tourism Program in Labuan Bajo. Department of Anthropology Faculty of Social and political Science, Hasanuddin University, Etnosia: Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia. (Unpublished)
Islahuddin, Islahuddin and Eppang, Buntu Marannu and Som, Ahmad Puad Mat and Masatip, Anwari and Salim, Muhammad Arfin Muhammad (2022) Plagiarism Check_Adaptation and collaboration of local community in super priority destination tourism program in Labuan Bajo. Department of Anthropology Faculty of Social and political Science, Hasanuddin University, Etnosia: Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia.
Islahuddin, Islahuddin and Eppang, Buntu Marannu and Salim, Muhammad Arfin Muhammad and Darmayasa, Darmayasa and Masatip, Anwari (2022) BOOK - INOVASI, ADAPTASI, DAN KOLABORASI: PENGEMBANGAN WISATA BAHARI BERBASIS INOVASI, ADAPTASI, DAN KOLABORASI DI DESTINASI SUPER PRIORITAS INDONESIA PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19. CV Amerta Media, Politeknik Pariwisata Makassar. ISBN 978-623-959-586-9
Islahuddin, Islahuddin and Badollahi, Muh. Zainuddin (2022) Strategi Manajemen Pendidikan dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Karyawan Hotel pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 di Sulawesi Selatan: Studi Kasus tentang Pengaruh Employee Engagement dan Perceived Organizational Support. JEKPEND Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Makassar.
Islahuddin, Islahuddin and Eppang, Buntu Marannu and Salim, Muhammad Arfin Muhammad and Darmayasa, Darmayasa and Masatip, Anwari (2022) Peer Review - Inovasi, Adaptasi, dan Kolaborasi. CV Amerta Media.
Islahuddin, Islahuddin and Akib, Haedar and Eppang, Buntu Marannu and Salim, Muhammad Arfin Muhammad and Darmayasa, Darmayasa (2021) Article - Reconstruction of the Actor Collaboration Model in the Development of Marine Tourism Destinations in the New Normal Local Economy. Linguistics and Culture Review, Linguistics and Culture Review.
Islahuddin, Islahuddin and Akib, Haedar and Masatip, Anwari and Sailan, Manan and Eppang, Buntu Marannu (2021) ARTICEL - CREATIVE ECONOMY BASED ON INNOVATION DEVELOPMENT IN TOURISM DESTINATIONS AS A PANACEA. Oeconomia Copernicana, Oeconomia Copernicana.
Islahuddin, Islahuddin and Akib, Haedar and Masatip, Anwari and Sailan, Manan and Eppang, Buntu Marannu (2021) Correspondence - Creativity Economy Based on Innovation on Development in Tourism Destination on as a Panacea. Oeconomia Copernicana, Romania. (Unpublished)
Islahuddin, Islahuddin and Akib, Haedar and Masatip, Anwari and Sailan, Manan and Eppang, Buntu Marannu (2021) Peer Review - Creativity Economy Based on Innovation on Development in Tourism Destination on as a Panacea. Oeconomia Copernicana, Romania. (Unpublished)
Islahuddin, Islahuddin and Akib, Haedar and Masatip, Anwari and Sailan, Manan and Eppang, Buntu Marannu (2021) Peer Review - Creative Economy Based on Innovation on Development in Tourism Destination on as a Panacea. Oeconomia Copernicana. (Unpublished)
Islahuddin, Islahuddin and Akib, Haedar and Eppang, Buntu Marannu and Salim, Muhammad Arfin Muhammad and Darmayasa, Darmayasa (2021) Correspondence - Reconstruction of the Actor Collaboration Model in the Development of Marine Tourism Destination in the new normal local economy. LingCure: Linguistic and Culture Review, LingCure: Linguistic and Culture Review. (Unpublished)
Islahuddin, Islahuddin and Akib, Haedar and Eppang, Buntu Marannu and Salim, Muhammad Arfin Muhammad and Darmayasa, Darmayasa (2021) Peer Review - Reconstruction of the Actor Collaboration Model in the Development of Marine Tourism Destinations in the New Normal Local Economy. LingCure: Linguistic and Culture Review, LingCure: Linguistic and Culture Review. (Unpublished)
Islahuddin, Islahuddin and Akib, Haedar and Eppang, Buntu Marannu and Salim, Muhammad Arfin Muhammad and Darmayasa, Darmayasa (2021) Plagiarism Check - Reconstruction of the Actor Collaboration Model in the Development of Marine Tourism Destinations in the New Normal Local Economy. LingCure: Linguistic and Culture Review, LingCure: Linguistic and Culture Review.
Islahuddin, Islahuddin (2021) Book - Ekonomi Pariwisata. In: Ekonomi Pariwisata. Yayasan Kita Menulis, Yayasan Kita Menulis, pp. 107-112. ISBN 978-623-6840-35-1
Islahuddin, Islahuddin (2021) Book - Pengelolaan Kepariwisataan Secara Pola Inovatif, Adaptif, dan Kolaboratif. In: Ekonomi Pariwisata. Yayasan Kita Menulis, Yayasan Kita Menulis, pp. 107-112. ISBN 978-623-6840-35-1
Islahuddin, Islahuddin (2021) Peer Review - Ekonomi Pariwisata. Yayasan Kita Menulis.
Islahuddin, Islahuddin and Renold, Renold and Kusmawati, Kusmawati and Abdi, Abdi and Badollahi, Muh. Zainuddin (2020) Correspondence - Exposition of Academic Relevance of Hospitality Administration Programs With World-Work Absorption. Jurnal Ad'ministrare, Universitas Negeri Makassar. (Unpublished)
Islahuddin, Islahuddin and Renold, Renold and Abdi, Abdi and Kusmawati, Kusmawati and Badollahi, Muh. Zainuddin (2020) Peer Review - Exposition of Academic Relevance of Hospitality Administration Programs With World-Work Absorption. Jurnal Ad'ministrare, Universitas Negeri Makassar. (Unpublished)
Islahuddin, Islahuddin and Renold, Renold and Kusmawati, Kusmawati and Abdi, Abdi and Badollahi, Muh. Zainuddin (2020) Plagiarism Check - Exposition of Academic Relevance of Hospitality Administration Programs With World-Work Absorption. Jurnal Ad'ministrare, Jurnal Ad'ministrare.
Islahuddin, Islahuddin and Harahap, Zulkifli and Muhtasom, Ali (2020) Correspondence - Employee Engagement And Perceived Organizational: Support on The Performance of Hotel Employees During The Covid-19 Pandemic In South Sulawesi. IAEME Publication, IAEME Publication. (Unpublished)
Islahuddin, Islahuddin and Harahap, Zulkifli and Muhtasom, Ali (2020) Peer Review - Employee Engagement And Perceived Organizational: Support on The Performance of Hotel Employees During The Covid-19 Pandemic In South Sulawesi. IAEME Publication, IAEME Publication. (Unpublished)
Islahuddin, Islahuddin and Harahap, Zulkifli and Muhtasom, Ali (2020) Plagiarism Check - Employee Engagement And Perceived Organizational: Support on The Performance of Hotel Employees During The Covid-19 Pandemic In South Sulawesi. IAEME Publication, IAEME Publication.
Islahuddin, Islahuddin and Harahap, Zulkifli and Muhtasom, Ali Correspondence - Employee Engagement And Perceived Organizational: Support on The Performance of Hotel Employees During The Covid-19 Pandemic In South Sulawesi. IAEME Publication, IAEME Publication. (Unpublished)
Islahuddin, Islahuddin and Akib, Haedar and Masatip, Anwari and Sailan, Manan and Eppang, Buntu Marannu Plagiarism Check - Creative Economy Based on Innovation on Development in Tourism Destination on as a Panacea. Oeconomia Copernicana.