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Kuba, Dharma and Sahabuddin, Wasilah and Hildayanti, Andi (2023) Preservation of Locality as a Vital Element of Architectural Tourism in Tongkonan Toraja, Indonesia. Preservation of Locality as a Vital Element of Architectural Tourism in Tongkonan Toraja, Indonesia, 10 (5). pp. 46-59.
Rahim, Robbi and Sulaiman Kurdi, Muqarramah and Ngindana, Rispa and Sulaiman Kurdi, Musyarrafah and Winowatan, Wim Johannes (2023) Jurnal - Anticipating Learning Loss in Students A Study of Government Policy and Teacher Innovation. Anticipating Learning Loss in Students A Study of Government Policy and Teacher Innovation, 15 (2). pp. 1270-1279. ISSN 2087-9490
Renold, Renold and Eppang, Buntu Marannu and Darmayasa, Darmayasa and JAMALUDDIN, MUHAMMAD ARYA (2023) Transformasi Museum Kota Makassar Melalui Pengembangan Aktivitas Interpretasi Berbasis Edukasi. Transformasi Museum Kota Makassar Melalui Pengembangan Aktivitas Interpretasi Berbasis Edukasi, 4 (2). pp. 395-423. ISSN 2721-2106, DOI: 10.37411
Rihfenti, Ernayani and Amiruddin, Hamzah and Gerdha, Erlinda Sari Lapoliwa and Asep, Saepudin and Lucky Radi, Rinandiyana (2023) Business and Entrepreneur Context of Content Creator. Business and Entrepreneur Context of Content Creator, 7 (1). pp. 51-64. ISSN 2579-9371
Widjaya, Herry Rahmat and said, Farid and Ferdianto, Jujuk and Hizmi, Surayyal and Batubara, Rizda Endaen (2023) Jurnal - Tourism Business Sustainability Analysis in the Post-Pandemic Era: A Systematic Literature Review. Tourism Business Sustainability Analysis in the Post-Pandemic Era: A Systematic Literature Review. pp. 143-151. ISSN 2709-0876
Winowatan, Wim Johannes (2023) Jurnal_Effectiveness of Teaching and Learning Process Based on Competency Curriculum and Influence on Student Skills Activation (Study on Students of the Makassar Tourism Polytechnic Tata Hidang Study Program). Effectiveness of Teaching and Learning Process Based on Competency Curriculum and Influence on Student Skills Activation: Study on Students of the Makassar Tourism Polytechnic, 1 (2). pp. 67-74. ISSN 2985 - 3605 (In Press)
Winowatan, Wim Johannes and Suarta, I Putu and Rita, Rita (2023) Impact Assessment of Culinary Tourism Potential on the Revitalization of Post-Pandemic Marine Tourism at Mampie Polewali Mandar Beach, West Sulawesi a Qualitative Analysis. Impact Assessment of Culinary Tourism Potential on the Revitalization of Post-Pandemic Marine Tourism at Mampie Polewali Mandar Beach, West Sulawesi a Qualitative Analysis, 4 (6). ISSN 2721-0987
Winowatan, Wim Johannes and Suarta, I Putu and Rita, Rita (2023) Jurnal - Wisata Kuliner pada Wisata Bahari di Pantai Mampie Polewali Mandar Sulawesi Barat. Wisata Kuliner pada Wisata Bahari di Pantai Mampie Polewali Mandar Sulawesi Barat, 6 (3). pp. 1998-2007. ISSN 2656-4691
said, Farid and Daeng, Achmad and Rahman, Abdu and Sukarana, Murdiani (2023) Jurnal - Digital Marketing Communication Strategy of Tourism Destination of Mandalika A Semiotic. Digital Marketing Communication Strategy of Tourism Destination of Mandalika A Semiotic, 7 (1). pp. 16-32. ISSN 2579-9371
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Hasbi, Andi (2023) BOOK-Transformasi Destinasi Wisata MICE Kabupaten Bone. Politeknik Pariwisata Makassar. (Unpublished)
Kusmawati, Kusmawati and Latif, Abdul and Anjarsari, Hilda (2023) BOOK-Digitalisasi Destinasi Wisata Bahari Kabupaten Takalar Provinsi Sulawesi- Selatan (dalam pengajuan ISBN). POLITEKNIK PARIWISATA MAKASSAR, Politeknik Pariwisata Makassar.
Salim, Muhammad Arfin Muhammad and Arifin, Muhammad and Salam, Nur and Rante, Margaretha W and Darmayasa, Darmayasa and Ery, Anda Prasetyo and Muswantoro, Muhammad and Ridwan, Masri and Badollahi, Muh. Zainuddin and Aminah, Siti (2023) BOOK - PENGEMBANGAN DAYA TARIK WISATA SUNGAI DI SUL-SEL. POLITEKNIK PARIWISATA MAKASSAR, Politeknik Pariwisata Makassar. (Submitted)
Ahmad, Hayz Hanifia and Nugroho, Yohanes Padmo Adi and Ery, Anda Prasetyo (2023) Article - LATAR LOKASI FILM ANIME “KIMINONAWA” SEBAGAI DAYA TARIK WISATA DI PREFEKTUR GIFU JEPANG. Phinisi Integration Review.
Ahmad, Hayz Hanifia and Nugroho, Yohanes Padmo Adi and Ery, Anda Prasetyo (2023) Correspondence - Latar Lokasi Kiminonawa. Phinisi Integration Review.
Ahmad, Hayz Hanifia and Nugroho, Yohanes Padmo Adi and Ery, Anda Prasetyo (2023) Plagiarism Check - LATAR LOKASI FILM ANIME “KIMINONAWA” SEBAGAI DAYA TARIK WISATA DI PREFEKTUR GIFU JEPANG. Phinisi Integration Review.
Amirullah, Amirullah and Ery, Anda Prasetyo and Madjid, Rahmawati (2023) ARTICLES - READINESS PAREPARE FACING ASEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY THROUGH BUSINESS TRAVEL MANAGEMENT STRATEGY. PUSAKA: Journal of Tourism, Hospitality, Travel and Bussines Event. (Unpublished)
Amirullah, Amirullah and Ery, Anda Prasetyo and Madjid, Rahmawati (2023) Correspondence - READINESS PAREPARE FACING ASEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY THROUGH BUSINESS TRAVEL MANAGEMENT STRATEGY. PUSAKA: Journal of Tourism, Hospitality, Travel and Bussines Event. (Unpublished)
Amirullah, Amirullah and Ery, Anda Prasetyo and Madjid, Rahmawati (2023) Plagiarsm Check - READINESS PAREPARE FACING ASEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY. PUSAKA: Journal of Tourism, Hospitality, Travel and Bussines Event. (Unpublished)
Kuba, Dharma and Hildayanti, Andi and Sahabuddin, Wasilah (2023) Locality Preservation as A Vital Element of Architectural Tourism in Tongkonan Toraja, Indonesia. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RK-a5O7FR3ReoTQcpZIwcECd5y-UtUJo/view, Turnitin.
Winowatan, Wim Johannes (2023) Corespondensi_Effectiveness of Teaching and Learning Process Based on Competency Curriculum and Influence on Student Skills Activation Study on Students of the Makassar Tourism. ATHENA: Journal of Social, Culture and Society. (In Press)